Alain Chabat, the acclaimed director behind “Mission Cleopatra,” is back with a new project: an animated adaptation of “Asterix & Obelix: The Battle of the Chiefs.” This eagerly awaited series is being produced in Toulouse, with the first teaser released by Netflix on Monday.
A Nostalgic Journey to 50 BC
“It is 50 BC. All of Gaul is occupied by the Romans…” This iconic opening line from the “Asterix & Obelix” comics also sets the tone for the first teaser of Netflix’s animated mini-series. The streaming giant released a nearly two-minute video on 16 December 2024, sparking excitement among fans of the beloved franchise.
Staying True to the Original Album?
The animated series, directed by Alain Chabat and produced by Toulouse-based TAT Studios, promises a faithful adaptation of the classic comic book. TAT Studios, renowned for hits like “The Jungle Bunch,” “Pil,” and “Pattie and the Wrath of Poseidon,” is bringing the Gaulish adventure to life.
The storyline follows the events of the comic book “The Battle of the Chiefs” by creators Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny. In this tale, Chief Abraracourcix must face off against a rival Gaulish chief allied with Caesar. However, a major complication arises when Panoramix, the village druid, gets hit on the head by a menhir and forgets the secret recipe for the magic potion.
Judging by the teaser, the adaptation appears to stay remarkably true to the original comic. The voice cast includes renowned French actors Gilles Lellouche, Laurent Lafitte, and Géraldine Nakache, adding star power to the series.
Toulouse at the Heart of the Production
TAT Studios aimed to employ around 200 people in Toulouse for this ambitious project. With five episodes scheduled for release in 2025, the series is shaping up to be a significant milestone in the world of animated adaptations. Fans are eagerly awaiting its premiere, ready to be transported back to the spirited adventures of Asterix, Obelix, and their indomitable village.